Fair & Affordable Housing Commission
The Mission of the Fair and Affordable Housing Commission is to research, analyze and recommend to the Mayor and Council ways in which the City may further fair housing practices and affordable housing practices.
Member Structure & Organization
The Fair and Affordable Housing Commission may have up to nine (9) voting members, each appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council, to serve without compensation for a term of three (3) years. High School students may apply for the Commission as a non-voting member and serve a one-year term which may be renewed. Commission vacancies are appointed by the Mayor with the advice of and subject to the approval of the Council for the unexpired term. A non-voting Council representative serves as an ex-officio member of the Commission. Appointees to the Commission serve staggered terms. Not more than one (1) member of the Commission may be an officer or employee of the City and not more than one member may reside outside of the City. Additional information may be found in Moscow City Code Title 03, Chapter 06. To apply for the Commission please complete an application and contact the Commission's Staff Liaison for any questions.
Powers & Duties
The powers and duties of the Fair and Affordable Housing Commission include:
- Suggest to Council various ways in which the City may further fair housing practices and affordable housing practices.
- Suggest ways to inform public housing industry providers, real estate owners, developers, building contractors, and housing advocates of their respective responsibilities and rights under the federal housing law and related amendments, and any applicable state or local laws or ordinances.
- Review the City Code Analysis and Impediments to Fair Housing and Action Plan on an annual basis and make recommendations to the Mayor, Council and the City's Fair Housing Resource Representative for amendments or changes to the Plan as it deems necessary.
- Review the City's efforts to promote affordable housing and make recommendations to the Mayor, Council, and the City's Fair Housing Resource Representative to promote affordable housing practices.
- Consult with the City's Fair Housing Resource Representative on fair housing planning objectives and communications, and assist the Council and the City's Fair Housing Resource Representative in coordination and execution of the City's Fair Housing Action Plan.
- Keep abreast of Federal and State law affecting fair housing and make recommendations to the Mayor and Council of necessary changes in the Moscow Fair and Affordable Housing Ordinance to keep the ordinance in conformity with Federal and State law.
- Recommend acceptance of Federal, State, or other assistance in formulating or carrying out programs to prevent or eliminate discriminatory housing practices, and to cooperate with Federal, State and local agencies in carrying out such programs.
Regular Meeting
- 5:30 p.m.
- 1st Thursday of every month
- 504 S. Washington Street
Haddock Building
Moscow, ID 83843
All citizens are welcome to meetings.
Agendas & Minutes
Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval.
View Most Recent Agendas and Minutes