Correcting Common Title Errors

If you make an error - DO NOT CHANGE, DO NOT WRITE OVER, DO NOT CROSS OFF, DO NOT USE WHITE OUT & DO NOT ERASE! These are the items that cause errors and can void a title. Below are some of the things that we can do to correct errors:

  1. Affidavit of Correction (Form 411219) should be completed for the following common title errors: incorrect sale date; seller/buyer name put on the incorrect space; seller/buyer name misspelled. Do not cross through the error. This form must be notarized.
  2. Incorrect odometer recorded on Iowa title - upon review in the Treasurer’s office, you may be instructed to contact the DOT Investigator to certify your mileage, or previous owner will need to get a replacement title and start over. Do not try to rewrite odometer.
  3. Incorrect odometer recorded on out of state title - title will need to be corrected in the state issued.