Livestock Agistment Contract

The Livestock Agistment Contract sets out the terms and conditions upon which a Landholder will accept livestock for agistment on their property.

Agistment is the placement of livestock from one farm onto another for food, water, and shelter – in return for a fee (usually cost/head/week).

The owner of the animals is usually responsible for getting the livestock to and from the agistment property and retains ownership of the livestock except under certain circumstances (such as non-payment of fees).

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The Livestock Agistment Contract sets out the terms and conditions upon which a Landholder will accept livestock for agistment on their property.

Agistment is the placement of livestock from one farm onto another for food, water, and shelter – in return for a fee (usually cost/head/week).

Livestock Agistment

Leasing agricultural land for livestock agistment is a mutually beneficial arrangement for both parties.

The owner of the animals is usually responsible for getting the livestock to and from the agistment property and retains ownership of the livestock except under certain circumstances (such as non-payment of fees).

For a landholder agreeing to the agistment there are important points that need to be negotiated and agreed upon, preferably in writing so that each party is aware of their responsibilities. A written agreement spells out the pertinent terms and reduces the likelihood that a dispute will arise through misunderstandings.

An agreement needs to have the names and signatures of the parties, date the agreement is signed, period for which the agreement applies, and a description of what is being agreed upon.

The Livestock Agistment Agreement template includes the following provisions and suitable for all types of livestock –

Sample Document Excerpt

Livestock Agistment agreement sample

Our fully secured ecommerce system allows you to purchase and download your Livestock Agistment Agreement safely. In just a few minutes you can have everything you need to manage the agistment of your livestock yourself confident that your interests are protected.
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