Submit Your House to Appear on This Old House

This Old House is seeking engaging homeowners with old houses in need of renovation for upcoming seasons of the show.

by This Old House Updated 01/18/2024


Chad Griffith

Want to give your old house a televised facelift? You can submit your house in need of a renovation to appear on an upcoming season of This Old House. From downtown lofts, to ornate country Victorians, to bungalows in the suburbs, the series is accepting proposals for all housing types, styles and neighborhoods. Whether you are just in the dreaming phase, or well along with design, we want to hear from you!

This Old House features two to three projects per season, and at least one of the projects is located in the New England area. We prefer projects located in climates where outdoor work may be undertaken during the winter months, and often we choose the geographic location first and then consider proposals in that area.

Please note that the renovations are completely funded by the homeowners. This Old House coordinates product discounts and donations, where possible.

Search Timeline:

This Old House is considering proposals for renovations starting in 2024 that will be completed by winter 2025. The selected project will be featured on multiple This Old House episodes airing on PBS and The Roku Channel, premiering next season.

**Please note that due to the volume of proposals received, This Old House will not be able to respond personally to everyone. We try to respond to those whose projects are of interest within three weeks of submission.

FILL OUT the following to submit your proposal:

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